just came back from the cinema...
as usual, we split into two groups coz of the age limitation of my sis oTZ
me and dad watched '
Underworld 3: Rise of the Lycans' while sis and mum watched '
for my part, the movie was...all right, i suppose >_> it was filled with mindless
gore violence with a smattering of
occasional romantic parts and some resemblance of a
not sure how '
Inkheart' went but mum liked it enough... and
that itself speaks volumes =_=
♦ ♦ ♦
Labels: birthday, rants
suffering for nearly a week
without internet, mum
finally got a new modem after the old one broke down!
\(^_^)/ BANZAI!!!i can finally do my assignment that's due next Thursday oTZ
hopefully i can get everything done by next Wednesday /cross fingers
Labels: rants
it really makes me wonder why i
always seem to get classes on Monday mornings
every semester...
see this face? (=______=)
worst part is the
traffic jam
just URGH
♦ ♦ ♦
Labels: birthday, rants
this morning, i thought about wearing my black boots
which i had abandoned awhile back coz i was too lazy to tie the shoelaces of my sneaker xD
which was also convenient, seeing as spending
three hours in today's classroom is sure to
freeze everything oTZ
everything worked out fine and i was starting to love the feeling of walking in high heeled boots
coz it makes me feel empowered or something xDuntil class ended...
walked to the elevator, rode the elevator downstairs, left the elevator, walked out of campus, walking towards the nearby parking lot, crossed the road...
and the left boot totally
phailed me
W.T.F.as in, the bottom of the boot
came looseTTATT
then i sorta limped/walked
extremely slow to where my car was parked...
the entire bottom of the boot came offTToTT
looks like my boots will be sent to the shoe graveyard oTZ
Labels: rants
okay, apparently according to
-Yahoo!- last night,
10 January 2009, was supposedly the night where the full moon is
largest in 2009 ...largest as in, viewed from Earth xD
so i decided to take a pic of the moon ...and my house is
conveniently located at the base of a hill and there aren't much obstruction in terms of places to take the photo...
note: please excuse the grainy texture of the pic ..it was taken using my handphone
the moonlight was also bright enough to illuminate the hill at the bottom :)
Labels: rants
finally the end of week one of the new semester... a bit boring, considering i haven't seen or met
Intan or
Poh Sen all week Dx looks like i won't be taking the same classes with them unless it's the same we haven't taken yet...
and i have
8 subjects left to take for the coming 2 semesters to complete my diploma course Dx it seems like a
really long time too oTZ
March, it'll be exactly
two years since i took this course... time seems to have passed quickly for 2 years >_>"
and the remaining subjects to take are:
- Switching & Transmission 2
- C++ Programming
- Microcomputer Interfacing
- Microapplication
- Network Analysis & Communication Principles
- Microwave & Satellite Communication
- Project Lab A
- Project Lab B
if all things go well and all my planned subjects
don't clash with each other, i hope i can take 6 subjects instead of the usual 5 for the next semester... i'm not counting too much on it happening but i'll keep my fingers crossed XD
Labels: rants
Advanced Modulation & Transmission Principles [Tuesday & Friday]
i have a feeling that this subject is going to be as
boring as its pre-requisite subject:
Modulation & Transmission Principles... i nearly fell
asleep during the first half of the class oTZ how do you expect me to survive
the rest of the semester learning this subject??
there's only about 4 more weeks till midterm exams... minus the
Chinese New Year celebration ...that only leaves about
3 weeks before midterms Dx it's a good thing that i only have
two subjects this semester...
Labels: rants
Switching & Transmission 1 [Monday & Thursday]
first of all, i
hate whomever who allocated the class to
Room 301 >:(
because the room is
freaking COLD!!! like
sub-zero COLDthat is the
WORST way to start a
MONDAY morning. period.
Labels: rants
just came back from my birthday celebration~
♥so what happened the
whole day?
first, i woke up around noon XD showered then had lunch. then the whole family was watching '
American Idol' for some reason >_>" after the show ended, mum took me and sis to go cake-shopping X3
so, she drove us to a nearby bakery and we browsed for a cake... i actually wanted a cheesecake ...but even the 500g one costs RM40 o_O" so we decided to get a
vanilla cream cake X3 mum also bought
2 slices of cheesecake (for me) and
a slice of blueberry cream cake & opera cake (for sis)... then grandma came by the house. idled around a bit before going off to dinner around 7pm...
dad drove everyone to
Auto City for dinner... i got to decide where to eat and i chose dundundun ...
Nando's XD i ordered a
1/4 chicken with 2 sidelines - old style chips & potato salad - and
hot chocolate, yummy!
♥after dinner, we walked around a bit ...looked at some displayed cars before going home xD
♦ ♦ ♦
birthday presents received this year:
~ from
Yee Mun: a hand-made grand piano with a chair and a MATCH-MAN X3
~ from
Jazlyn: an adorable bear that i used as a handphone strap xD
~ from grandma: an 'ang pao' :D
thanks to everyone for the wishes~ ♥
Labels: birthday, rants
woke up later than i planned Dx but woke up nonetheless :P got ready and left home around 11am
got stuck in a mild traffic jam in the town area before it cleared up Dx i think it's because of a train passing through so the gates were down..resulting in a
really long traffic line, backed up till the town area oTZ
anyway, finally arrived at campus around 12pm.. ran into
Antarnis near the elevator XD went upstairs and apparently the crowd has 'subsided' ...coz it's
lunchtime oTZ
got the timetable, the academic calendar and the subject registration form... texted
Intan (a classmate) to ask her if she'd already done hers and she replied yes Dx apparently she's taking 3 subjects this semester.. unlike me, who's taking
only two 8D coz the other subject that i wanted to take would clash with another class oTZ
so, the 2 subjects that i'll be taking this semester are:
Advanced Modulation & Transmission Principles-
Switching & Transmission 1also, i was the only student (
so far) to register for
Advanced Mods & Trans oTZ i hope there're more students besides myself otherwise the lecturer would have to
cancel the class ...and i'd have to register for
another subject /headwall
on another note, i'll be going over to
Yee Mun's place later :3
Labels: rants